
Senest opdateret januar, 2024 (version 2.0)

1. Introduction

In the following you can find information about F&B Staff processing of personal data. 

F&B Staff Danmark ApS (hereafter F&B Staff) is responsible for the processing of personal data that takes place in accordance with this policy.

All inquiries regarding the processing of personal data can be addressed to:

F&B Staff ApS

CVR nr: 41 61 58 93

Egebakken 8

2970 Hørsholm


In this privacy policy you can find information about the purposes for which we process personal data, how we store the data and how and when data may be disclosed to third parties as well as what rights you have as a registered person.

2. Our processing activities:
When you create a profile

When you create a profile on our platform (via website of app) you must give your consent for us to contact you, if we find a match between you, your shift wishes and a possible shift. 

In this connection we will store and review the information you give us, typically name, contact details, education, relevant experience, possibly gender, possibly portrait photo, as well as other information given in your application and CV.

This information will be visible for our customer when you apply for an offered shift.

If you no longer want to receive notifications about offered shifts, you can unsubscribe under your settings on the platform. 

We will continue to store a number of information about you, e.g. with the aim of being able to answer any subsequent questions you may have. The basis for this storage and processing is found in article 6 (1) (f) of GDPR.

We will typically delete all data we have about you 2 years after your last activity.

3. When you have taken your first shift

When you have taken your first shift, we will have to process and store a number of information about you and your shift. This is necessary in order for us to ensure that you receive the correct payments and conditions in general. We process e.g. the following information: name, address, social security number, contractual relationship, salary level, pension scheme, working hours, time records, sick leave, tax conditions as well as citizenship, and/or residence/work permit. The basis for this processing is found in Article 6 (a) (b & c) of the GDPR. 

Finally, we store any relevant correspondence we may have with you as well as any minutes/notes of the conversations we may have had during your affiliation with F&B Staff. The legal basis for this processing can, depending on the content, be found in Article 6 (1) (f) in the GDPR.

After each shift the customer will have the opportunity to rate your performance. You can continuously follow your rating via your profile. Your rating will also be made available to our customers when you apply for an offered shift.

When you cancel a shift via our platform, a notification will automatically be send to our customer.

Some customers may require us to provide documentation that a temporary worker sent to the customer receives the correct payments and have the relevant permits to work in Denmark. When we receive such requests, we will forward relevant documentation to the customer, typically in the form of payment balance, copy of passport and/or work permit. 

When you stop being employed as a temporary worker with us, we will store your information for 5 years until the end of the next calendar year after your last payment. We will store your information as we are obliged to store certain information and files according to the Danish Accounting Act. Other information we store to be able to answer subsequent inquiries about your employment, duration and the date for your last shift. The basis for this storage and processing can be found the Article 6 (1) (c & f) of GDPR.

4. When you visit our website

When you visit F&B Staff's website
( we collect information about you by using cookies, which collect information about your behavior on our website.

The purpose of processing information about you in cookies is to offer a relevant and interesting website that functions.

Cookies contain information about you and your use of our website, e.g. IP address, type of browser, search terms and network location, time of your visit to our website, which pages you have visited and for how long. You choose yourself which types of cookies you consent to, however, necessary cookies cannot be opted out. You can view and change your consent to cookies at any time, just as you can block cookies in your browser. You can manage your consent and read more about which cookies we use in F&B Staff ´s cookie banner which is presented to you the first time you visit our website. You can find the cookie banner again at any time by clicking the cookies icon in the lower left corner of our website. 

The basis for the above treatments is therefore your consent, cf. Article 6 (1) (a), of the GDPR however, for necessary cookies it is the legitimate interests rule in Article 6 (1) (f) GDPR, as we process this information in order to be able to offer you a website that functions. Session cookies are deleted the moment you leave the website. Permanent cookies are set for a period of time and deleted when such period expires or earlier if you withdraw your consent to cookies. The durations of such periods appear in the cookie overview which you will find in F&B Staff cookie banner. If you consent to marketing cookies, we will retain documentation of this consent for at least 2 years after consent has been withdrawn.

If you wish to change or withdraw your consent, you can do so via our cookie banner. You can find our cookie banner by clicking the cookies icon in the lower left corner of our website.

5. Security measures – this is how we look after your personal data

Security measures – this is how we look after your personal data

We have adopted technical and organizational measures to secure our processing of personal data against accidental or illegal destruction, loss, alteration and unauthorized disclosure or publication. This means, among other things, that both physical and technical measures have been implemented, e.g. in the form of access control, video surveillance, passwords and encryption, as well as continuous back-up of data. Our employees are instructed in how they may process personal data, and internal guidelines have been adopted for what to do in the event of a breach of personal data security.

6. How to deactivate your profile

If you no longer want to receive notifications about offered shifts, you can unsubscribe under your settings on the platform. 

Even if you deactivate your profile, we can still store several information about you. The storage period depends on whether you have applied for specific shifts and/or whether you have been employed as a temporary worker and have been paid by F&B Staff.

7. Your rights
Right to see information (right of access)

You have the right to gain insight into the information we process about you, as well as a range of additional information.

Please note that you will be able to see most of the information we process about you on your profile.

Right for rectification

You have the right to have information that is incorrect corrected.

Right to erasure (the right to be forgotten)

In special cases, you have the right to have your information deleted before the time when we ourselves would delete your information.

Right to restriction of processing

In certain cases, you have the right to have the processing of your information restricted. If you have the right to have the processing restricted, we may in future only process the information – apart from storage - with your consent or for the purpose of establishing, asserting or defending legal claims or to protect a person or important public interests.

Right to object

In certain cases, you have the right to object to our otherwise lawful processing of your personal data.

Right to withdraw consent

If F&B Staff processing of personal data is based on your consent, you have the right to withdraw consent. If you withdraw your consent, we will cease further processing of your personal data from the time consent is withdrawn. The withdrawal does not affect the legality of the processing that has taken place.  

Contact information

Should you wish to make use of your rights, you can contact us:

F&B Staff ApS

CVR nr: 41 61 58 93

Egebakken 8

2970 Hørsholm



If you think we are processing your information in breach of the rules, you may file a complaint to the Danish Data Protection Agency. You can read more about this on The Danish Data Protection Agency’s website:

Changes to the privacy policy

We res erve the right to change this privacy policy. This will take place in case of significant changes in legislation, introduction of new technical solutions, new service concepts and the like. In addition, we will adjust the text linguistically or content-wise as needed.